Saturday, November 20, 2010

just sounded familiar

And you're gonna remember all the horrible things I've done, and you'll try to convince yourself that I've changed. But I'm gonna start doing all those horrible things again, cos' I haven't changed, and then you will realise that I am an insane choice.
House M.D., s07e01


pokerash said...
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Geo_777 said...

Hm... Keane music and House series... Astept sa vad urmatorul lucru pe care-l avem in comun. :)
Acum la subiect, cred ca intr-un fel sau altul multi dintre noi au primit macar o data-n viata o asa "avertizare". Dar cu toate ca se intelege bine ce presupune, nu sunt putini cei care continua cu buna stiinta sa faca "the insane choice". De ce oare? :)

Laura said...

Pai sa scriu mai des atunci, nu? :)

The insane choice iti da fluturi in stomac si un cocktail de endorfine si alti feel-good-hormones. :)

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