Sunday, October 25, 2009

alexandrina's lullaby makes my heart melt a little bit

e toamna tarzie, baby..
ma cheama maria, maybe,
mare-i bucuria
sa-ti cant de dor..
in palma simt bataia inimii tale
daca ai insomnie baby,
bea un ceai cu lamaie, verde cu iasomie
si eu langa tine
usor intinsa pe masa..
baby viata-i frumoasa..

Saturday, October 24, 2009

de data asta nu-mi mai e foame

Oare cine-a inventat gemurile?

Pearl Jam.

© ino and laura

nature's way of saying 'i love you'

Ce vrei să mănânci azi la prânz?

O lămâie cu miere te rog. Ba nu, mai bine două!

Monday, October 19, 2009


cizmele de cauciuc sunt evident perfecte pentru outdoor use, aseara mi-au tinut de cald, vant si uscat. dar azi, azi au fost perfecte indoors, in timpul micii inundatii pe care am reusit din nou s-o provoc. e mai bine sa aduni apa de pe jos cu picioarele uscate, mai ales la 19 grade, cand talpile ude se incovoaie si incearca sa leviteze, se strang si se fac mici mici, cu suprafata de contact cat mai mica, mica.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

state of spirit

how about you?

the photo

Friday, October 09, 2009

wishing on a star

Dear Universe,

a while ago I asked for this. Haven't got it yet, but I know you're working on it, and I am also. Hopefully, together, we can get it sooner, rather then later.

But until then, maybe this gadget is easier go produce:

Just one is ok. :)

Thank you, I'm waiting/working for it anxiously.


Thursday, October 08, 2009

i get it, but what does it MEAN?

Aseara am gasit o cartela de metrou in posta. O cartela de metrou de 10 calatorii dintre care 7 consumate. In perioada 21-27 septembrie, de luni pana duminica, intre 09:30 si 09:52, cineva a intrat in statia de metrou UNI folosind o cartela care, o saptamana si trei zile mai tarziu, pe 7 octombrie, a ajuns  la mine in posta.

Friday, October 02, 2009

it's important to work out

from The Sartorialist, of course

Thursday, October 01, 2009


It's not right away that you feel the pain. After the initial break, when you feel like a warm kitten dropped into ice cold water, you get into this state where you don't really feel anything anymore. Only after some time, when you get closer to balancing the past and the future again, you get this sort of nostalgia that's always there, in the room with you. Like a faded presence that won't leave your side, like a question that's been there for a long time, and even though it's answered, just doesn't want to go away.