ma desenez in raze de soare prin parcuri.
.. the way i see it, you have two choices. you either make your world colder, or you play it full out and take your chances. poti sa alegi: fie sa nu simti nimic, fie sa simti. and if you choose not to feel, then you play it all safe, and it's nice and warm, known territory and no risks at all. and if you choose to feel? then you flip the coin, and you never know what you're gonna get.
colour my world. sa risc culori sau sa play it all black and white? cinismul matur ar spune ca oricum nu exista asa ceva, culori.. si idealismul (idealismul?) celor ne-raniti (prea tare) spune ca daca ajungi sa nu mai dai nimic, din certitudinea ca vei fi ranit, esti o fiinta terminata. pe o anumita scara de valori, desigur. pentru unii e mai impotanta dragostea.. others fuck it.. and others just don't care..
eu am un ceas rosu pe care scrie 'love', si o bratara galbena pe care scrie 'harmony&balance', si o bluza roz care merge cu orice, si ochii aproape negri si prea mari si prea deschisi, si degete lungi, si un iepuras de miere, am un tricou cu un soare mare si portocaliu pe spate, si pierce cu bubbles.
stop the tears..
si mi se par interesante senzatiile fizice corelate cu stari emotionale. adica daca atunci cand esti fericit se secreta endorfine, cand esti nefericit ce se intampla de ti se strange stomacul si-ti vine sa vomiti?
so isn't it ironic?
Thursday, April 06, 2006
color me
Posted by Laura at 12:43 AM
Labels: nice things, philosophie
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Ti-au venit pierce-urile pana la urma? Ce haios, si eu am postat pe blog ceva zicem, choose to choose to feel! :D :*
The truer the colours hit you, the truer you feel them. There is no such thing as two choices and there is no such thing as black & white (non-colours) vs. colours. There are grey shades, an infinity of them. There are also an infinity of colours combined with black, white and grey. And.. just so you know.. there is no black and white. They are both grey, only differentiated by shades. The same thing with happiness and unhappiness. Kick their coloured butts, girl, they deserve it.
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