Friday, November 28, 2008
friday fun
Posted by Laura at 9:51 AM 0 comments - express yourself, don't repress yourself
Labels: comics
Thursday, November 13, 2008
educatie la metrou
Delia si Dedi, autorii blogului metroulgreu, au ajuns in demersurile lor de a face viata la metrou mai frumoasa, la partea ce implica educarea oamenilor in ce priveste folosirea scarilor rulante. Exista o petitie si se organizeaza un flash mob pe 22 noiembrie.
Gasiti detalii dand click pe banner-ul din dreapta, pe care n-am avut timp sa-l aranjez sa fie dragut si sa se incadreze frumos. I will, as soon as I have some time, cand o sa editez si link-uri pe post-ul asta :)
Later edit: am facut link-urile si am scos banner-ul... campania s-a amanat putin, din pacate.. banner-ul o sa-l pun la loc, in curand. :)
Posted by Laura at 11:33 AM 0 comments - express yourself, don't repress yourself
Thursday, November 06, 2008
some nice things
Posted by Laura at 5:37 PM 0 comments - express yourself, don't repress yourself
Labels: nice things
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