azi a fost soare de dimineata. apoi a nins. si apoi a iesit soarele din nou. ca un fel de metafora despre viata sau despre dragoste. azi R. a zis ca "you love until you don't". cred ca a zis si osho asta, si probabil ca si altii.. e tare simplu.
printr-o incurcatura pe care n-o inteleg s-a pierdut un mail pe care l-am trimis acum o saptamana. asa ca l-am trimis din nou, si am reluat asteptarea. e asa o asteptare continua viata asta..
copiii nu-si pun intrebari existentiale. oare exista copii intelepti care la 6 ani sa se uite cu ochii mari la mami si sa o intrebe de ce sunt ei aici pe pamant? eu o sa-mi invat copilul despre norme sociale, despre instincte, despre cum nimic nu e dat si despre cum lucrurile nu trebuiesc luate de-a gata ci intelese, stiind totusi ca nu le poti intelege cu adevarat. ma rog..
I got that I kind of ow my parents to be happy. sau daca nu.. macar sa fac tot ce-mi sta in putere pentru asta.
si totusi..oare daca nu mananci deloc sare, lacrimile mai sunt sarate?
stiti ca mie cand mi se face dor.. sentimentele se coloreaza in mov si arata asa cum arata niste cerneala amestecata cu apa.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Posted by Laura at 10:23 PM 1 comments
Labels: me, philosophie
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Leapșa cu cărți
e de la older. si cand citeam postul la ea pe blog, i was so wishing to have been tagged! (thank you...! :) )
1. Ia cartea care este cea mai aproape de tine.
2. Deschide-o la pagina 123.
3. Găseste a 5-a propozitie/frază.
4. Postează pe blog textul următoarelor 4 propozitii/fraze cu aceste instructiuni.
5. Nu îndrazni sa scotocesti prin rafturi după cartea aceea foarte deosebită sau “intelectuală”.
6. Da leapsa mai departe la alti 6 prieteni.
Am langa mine pe canapea doua carti care sunt una peste alta, insa e mai aproape de mine cea de dedesubt... Man's search for meaning, de Viktor E. Frankl.
"This anticipatory anxiety resulted both in excessive intention to confirm her femininity and excessive attention centered upon herself rather than upon her partner. This was enough to incapacitate the patient for the peak experience of sexual pleasure, since the orgasm was made an object of intention, and an object af attention as well, instead of remaining an unintended effect of unreflected dedication and surrender to the partner. After undergoing short-term logotherapy, the patient's excessive attention and intention of her ability to experience orgasm had been "dereflected," to introduce another logotherapeutic term. When her attention was refocused toward the proper object, i.e., the partner, orgasm established itself spontaneously."
Si nu stiu cui sa o dau mai departe.. chiar nu stiu.. dar daca s-a entuziasmat cineva citind-o, asa cum am facut eu, e mai mult decat rugat sa play along!
Posted by Laura at 7:31 PM 2 comments - express yourself, don't repress yourself
Thursday, January 17, 2008
what's new
foarte nou este cel mai dragut laptop din lume, tocmai lansat de catre apple.
aici puteti vedea ad-ul. s-ar putea sa observati o legatura cu video-ul de mai sus. :) care mi se pare foarte optimist si misto.
cat despre what's new with me... I guess I'm handling things. Am citit Momo de Michael Ende zilele trecute, foarte frumoasa poveste despre cum oamenii nu mai au timp deoarece acesta le este furat de niste domni cenusii ingrozitori, care ii fac sa isi doresca lucruri, multe lucruri, si sa se grabeasca pentru a le obtine, side effects fiind ca ajung sa ignore lucrurile cu adevarat importante in viata, familia, propriii copii, human contact.. Ma rog, e o poveste frumoasa care e mai mult pentru adulti decat pentru copii si care merita citita.
In rest, mi se pare ca ma cam invart in jurul cozii cu propriile-mi ganduri. As usual.. :)
Posted by Laura at 8:16 PM 0 comments - express yourself, don't repress yourself
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
new year's
My arse hurts like shit.
Today, the price I had to pay for wearing the nice, pretty outfit i put together for the first time ever, was slipping on the stupid snow that no one has cleaned from the sidewalks. I slipped, fell on my back, and hurt my coccyx. Really bad. So now my arse hurts like shit, and also my right arm, because because I can't sit, I have to support myself on my right elbow, since I can't lye on my belly coz then I won't be able to type. It's less complicated than it sounds... but what else is there for me other than complaining? .. :)
Other than this, I've been tagged (a while ago) by Cris. I've been thinking about it, and also about new year's resolutions. So here it is: all I ask from this year is to be happy and satisfied at the end of it, wherever I'll be, whoever I'll be with, whatever I'll be doing. And satisfied with how it turned out. It's a turning point, this year..
And no resolutions. Because I always forget them the next day. And they get sad.. :)
Happy new year.. And be careful on the streets!
(no picture for this text.. I can't think of anything suited)
Posted by Laura at 11:34 PM 2 comments - express yourself, don't repress yourself
Labels: english, me, resolutions
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