Rome is burning, he said, as he poured himself another drink. Yet, here I am knee deep in a river of pussy. Here it comes, she thought. Another self indulgent, whiskey soaked, diatribe about how fucking great everything was in the past. And how all us poor souls born too late to see the Stones at - wherever, or snort the good coke that they had at Studio 54 - well, we all just missed out on practically everything worth living for. And the worst part was, she agreed with him. Here we are, she thought, at the edge of the world - the very edge of western civilization and all of us are so desperate to feel something... anything... that we keep falling into each other and fucking our way toward the end of days.
Mia, end of episode 6 series 1 of a show called Californication. A show that I enjoy, because of beautiful people and some intelligent lines. Good waste of time..
Monday, October 15, 2007
and I quote
Posted by Laura at 9:52 PM 0 comments - express yourself, don't repress yourself
why NOT do that?
ma simt de parca in ultima vreme am stat intr-un fel de carapace, protejandu-ma in permanenta de ceva ce mi s--ar putea intampla. insa acum, desi nu am deslusit exact cauzele, desi pot banui mai multi factori, de la o discutie pe care am avut-o ieri cu un tip incredibil de misto la tot felul de lucruri pe care le-am citit in ultima vreme si din care mi-au ramas in minte fragmente care s-au lipit parca intr-un colaj de conexiuni, corelatii si legaturi, imi simt corpul plin de energie, parca mi s-au relaxat muschii, imi intind picioarele pe sub plapuma si retraiesc secvente in care acum actionez cu totul altfel. imi vin in minte comportamente relaxate si curajoase, si nu sub o nota de 'ce grozav ar fi daca', ci 'da, asa as face acum. what the fuck, why not?'. Incep sa am o intuitie despre ceea ce m-am intrebat atat de mult in ultima vreme, despre cine sunt eu, despre propria-mi personalitate si dorinte, dincolo de ceea ce este auto-educabil si de dorit. Despre propria-mi nebunie pe care nu vreau sa o mai controlez, cel putin pentru o vreme, pur si simplu ca sa vad ce se intampla.
Posted by Laura at 9:01 PM 0 comments - express yourself, don't repress yourself
Labels: me
Friday, October 12, 2007
Imogen Heap - Come here boy
disoriented.. just listen to the lyrics.
Posted by Laura at 3:02 PM 0 comments - express yourself, don't repress yourself
Labels: music
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